
Our Quest for Peace - Part 2

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, gladness, and peace. In an instant, the true self wakes up and gets rooted in the fruit of His Spirit. We don't need anyone to educate us because the Comforter and Teacher, the Holy Spirit, already resides within us. I want to act morally, and I feel compelled to, yet I lack the strength to do so. While I can wish for what is right, I am powerless to act on it.

Because I never put into practice the nice things I want to do but engage in the wicked deeds I don't want to. Adam's heart is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing line of the breath of life, or soul of the person, it is the immortal spirit (which is who you really are) and of joints and marrow of the deepest parts of our nature. We can renew our minds with God's word, which gives us light and helps us live in line with our inheritance of peace. Many people have not comprehended the genuine meaning of peace from the perspective of their position in God because of misunderstandings, and as a result, they never do.


Our Search for Peace - part 1


Legalism and its Power part - 1