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  • Second Visitation from God - My Story - Part 2
  • First first visitation from God - My Story - Part 1
  • Love Beyond Doubt - Part 1

    Love Beyond Doubt - Part 1

    No one can or will ever be able to separate you and me from God’s love. If we could just allow a drop of this pure light from God's heart of love into our consciousness, we would instantly change our whole concept of who God is. We would begin to understand that He is not angry at us.

  • Our Search for Peace - part 1

    Our Search for Peace - part 1

    Man has the audacious ability to destroy the very foundations of this world, which means that with the flip of a switch, it could all end. True peace can only be reached by turning humanity's attention to the spiritual realm and not to the exterior of man. A message of peace intended to change one’s life.

  • Our Quest for Peace - Part 2

    Our Quest for Peace - Part 2

    The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, gladness, and peace. In an instant, the true self wakes up and gets rooted in the fruit of His Spirit. We don't need anyone to educate us because the Comforter and Teacher, the Holy Spirit, already resides within us. that’s why we have peace.

  • Legalism and its Power part - 1

    Legalism and its Power part - 1

    Legalism is a plague so out of control that it is on the brink of destroying the very structures that hold mankind together. Legalism is a counterfeit of righteousness that sounds, says, and looks right to human flesh. The only possible cure for this cancerous counterfeit is to know the truth.

  • Freedom in Christ part - 1

    Freedom in Christ part - 1

    The new way of thinking involves renewing our minds to the ways and goals of God, which leads to actions that change how freedom works. True freedom is a life lived walking after the spirit, where God lives. Our freedom to live each day is found in Christ and Christ alone

  • A Yeilded Heart - part 1

    A Yeilded Heart - part 1

    The anointing is simply God's character or personality flowing in and through us to heal, deliver, strengthen, and help us live the life of the Spirit. In this study, we want to reveal a truth that will assist you in correctly understanding and, in turn, experiencing God's anointings every day.

  • As He is So are We - part 1

    As He is So are We - part 1

    As we awaken to this absolute truth, we can then begin to discern our rights and privileges as children of God. As children, we are linked with Him through our relationship, His characteristics, which are identical to his mirrored image of himself. So as he is so are we in His sight.

  • Victory over Self Condemnation - part 1

    Victory over Self Condemnation - part 1

    Life can wear us down to the point of submitting to self-condemnation and its curse. God never promised us that life would be easy, or that we would never go through any trials or tribulations. But one thing He did say was, "Be of good cheer;” for I have overcome the world.

  • Under our Feet - the Devil - part 1

    Under our Feet - the Devil - part 1

    Every time the finished work brings someone light, they are freed from the prison of darkness. During the process of regeneration, the believer is instantly made whole in Him, with all of His benefits and positions, and is seated at the right hand of God with Him.

  • Look up - our deliverance draws near - part 1

    Look up - our deliverance draws near - part 1

    Eschatology is the study of end times, and 30 percent of the Bible is about end times. It is time for believers to look up, because our redemption draws near. My hope is that this reading will create in you a view of what will be happening in the last days.

  • Discerning the Body Of Christ  Part - 1

    Discerning the Body Of Christ Part - 1

    As Christians, we are the body of Christ, through which He has shown the fullness of God. The carnal mind will not grasp its magnitude or understand what God has consummated in this body. It is only by believing in Jesus that one will understand the body of Christ.

  • Many Sides of Grace - Part 1

    Many Sides of Grace - Part 1

    Grace to me is beyond human knowledge or imagination; if one could capture its essence, one could experience the absolute fragrance of God in its fullness. To comprehend grace is to know God, His character, His motivation and the length the depth and height of His unconditional love.

  • Temple of the King - part 1

    Temple of the King - part 1

    If you are a believer in the cross of Calvary, then you are part of this great and marvelous habitation. Examine the prophetic words written in the book of Psalms concerning our place in this abode. And more and more, you will begin to see the enormous benefits of being His temple